Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11

Cherry blossoms
warm evenings
violet lilacs

purple lilacs
after a shower

Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 10

A red rose
regal and stately
thorns protect her

Melting snow
carrying away
a harsh winter
reveals a crocus

Smell of smoke
an ax dividing a stump
snow falling

Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 2

I was wondering how many "hands" there are for all of us, not just birds.  For example, Linus has his security blanket. I have my workout in the morning.  Some mothers might feel more comfortable knowing that their child carries a cell phone and can be reached at any time.  I can think of other crutches that make us feel safe. 

I often need the tacit approval of friends and family to validate my feelings.  Abraham Maslow wrote that the need for security and approval was a basic need that all other foundations of life are built - like nest on a branch.

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1

A violin
in the corner
longing to play

She played the violin
like it was her soul